The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa is currently experiencing a labour disruption. If you have an urgent concern, please call us at 613-747-7800.

Former or Current Service Recipient

Please review the information below to learn how to submit an Access to Information request and what to expect throughout this process.

If you are a current or former service recipient of the Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (the Society) and would like to obtain your information and/or records:

You are required to provide one copy of valid government issued photo identification with your Access to Information request.

Your request will only be processed once all required information has been received in a legible format. Delays may occur if your request is illegible or if all required information and ID are missing.

You can expect to receive your records within 30 days of your request being processed.

Note that if you are involved with The Society in an active Child Protection Investigation, any records pertaining to that matter WILL NOT be released until the investigation has been completed. In many of these instances you will be required to make another Access to Information request once the matter has been closed.

By submitting an Access to Information request, you are consenting to a search of the Child Protection Information Network (“CPIN”) and the Society’s internal records system.

Note that the Society cannot release information pertaining to another individual without the express and specific consent (consent form) of that individual to release their information to you or with a Court Order specifically speaking to disclosure of the Society’s records to you.

A parent with parental authority/substitute decision maker of a child/youth under the age of 16 may request access to their child’s information. If your child is over the age of 16, written consent is required authorizing the Society to release their information to you. You may be asked to demonstrate through a Court Order or other means that you do have parental rights to access your child’s information.

Please note that the Society will not release records where there is an active child protection investigation in progress. In these instances you may be required to make another request for these records once the investigation has been completed and the record is closed.

Please submit all requests to [email protected]. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please refer to the FAQ page or call the Access to Information and Disclosure Unit at 343-588-1022.