The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa is currently experiencing a labour disruption. If you have an urgent concern, please call us at 613-747-7800.

Our Commitment to Anti-Racism

A Message from our Executive Director

On Saturday, January 29, 2022, a convoy of truckers and groups of anti-public health protestors converged on parliament hill in Ottawa, Ontario. While protests are not new or unexpected in this democratic country, what is remarkable about this particular one is the use of racist and anti-Semitic flags, the misappropriation of Indigenous cultural practices, and the harassment and slurs against individuals from the Black, Racialized, First Nations, Inuit, Métis and Queer communities by some of the protestors. The hatred and oppression that is being incited is in direct opposition to the values and practices that The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa (CASO) staff, Board of Directors and organization support.

We are witnesses today to the continued ramifications of the Canadian experience of racism and colonialism traceable to a history that dates back centuries. An authentic response from CASO recognizes our connection to this history. What is happening in this city in terms of hatred at this time is simply wrong and must not be tolerated. 

We are reminded that this demonstration of hatred requires us to take a stance and publicly denounce the actions of those who cause harm and trauma to the people of this country and city. We are stepping up in solidarity with the need for systemic change in order to combat racism, extremism and hatred.

We, The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa, are adopting a meaningful approach that uses our resources, our voice, and our platform to drive action and change for the children, youth and families we serve in Ottawa. The Society continues to make great strides and take actions that align with our strategic pillars of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Reconciliation. We stand strong together and in unity. 

Kelly Raymond

Executive Director, The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa

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