The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa is currently experiencing a labour disruption. If you have an urgent concern, please call us at 613-747-7800.

Speakers Bureau

Are you interested in having your organization learn more about The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa? Are you unsure about the role that the Society plays in our community?

Book someone from our Speakers Bureau to visit your organization

10 trained members of our staff make up The CASO Speakers Bureau. These speakers can be requested to provide free presentations to organizations, schools, and community groups about a variety of topics. Once a request for a speaker is submitted, we will send the most appropriate individual based on your request.

If you are interested in requesting a speaker from The Children’s Aid Society of Ottawa, please send an email to [email protected] and include the following information:

  • Organization Name
  • Contact Person (First/Last Name, E-Mail, and Phone Number)
  • Date and Time Requested for Presentation
  • Language
  • Audience
  • Presentation Topic
  • Location
  • Number of Participants
  • Technical Specifications
  • Other/Comments

Please allow as much lead-time as possible prior to your event to ensure we are able to identify the speaker which best represents your needs – preferably 4 weeks. Speakers are provided at no charge and may not accept compensation or honoraria.

We talk about

  • Physical, sexual, emotional abuse and neglect
  • Family recruitment (fostering and adoption)
  • What to expect when you call
  • Changes to our work
  • Child protection investigations
  • Rights of kids and parents

We provide presentations to

  • Educators/Schools
  • Health Care Community
  • Community Resource Partners
  • Business/General Partners
  • Religious Organizations or Service Clubs
  • Daycare Providers