Financials 2023/24

Explore the detailed financial statements that drive our initiatives and enable us to make a lasting impact on children and families.

Years Ended Mar 3120242023
Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services69,025,60369,487,112
Expenditure Recoveries and Other Revenues6,165,0093,890,976
Amortization of Deferred Capital310,563309,100
Restrictions Contributions – Special Projects32,371,16232,180,570
Total Revenue107,872,337105,867,758
Salaries and wages32,861,58933,397,385
Travel – administration29,93435,217
Adoption subsidy1,153,9791,232,707
Legal custody subsidy26,100
Targeted adoption and legal custody subsidy1,762,7151,813,845
Education and conferences198,088238,674
Professional services, case289,115644,962
Professional services, non-case844,3161,027,175
Clients’ personal needs1,402,5141,720,803
Financial assistance545,814557,641
Health and related330,504385,444
Building occupancy1,439,9421,429,770
Promotion and publicity70,37874,112
Office administration565,645586,228
Direct service travel900,603916,590
Boarding rate payments25,598,95420,151,284
Program expenses5,8943,227
Customary care one-time financing
Kinship Service Placement Startup62,98437,330
Kinship Service Episodic Support133,750126,147
Technology                       589,961174,261
Amortization of capital assets980,722881,451
Special Projects32,371,16232,180,570
Excess (deficiency) of Revenue of Expenses before the following(3,399,266)(301,511)
Transfer from Balance Budget Fund
Excess (deficiency) of Revenue over Expenses(3,399,266)(301,511)
Net Assets, Beginning of Year7,466,8307,768,341
Net Assets, End of Year4,067,5647,466,830

Special Projects are restricted projects funded by the MCCSS and other institutions to provide additional services to children, youth and families in Ottawa. Special projects also include the Ministry’s Permanent Compensation Enhancement Program which is administered by CASO and funded by the MCCSS.